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├─╣ISSUE #3╠──────┘
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| A Zine for cypherpunks |
| More at: <| /-\ | |
| distortionlayers.neocities.org | \ / --|-- |
| | /-\ | |
| === \_/ |
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory
gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor
yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
From the mouth of ODST
Hey, remember when Vzine was a thing? Me neither. I'm continuing it anyway
by myself. Let it serve as a signpost to others on what to do, and what not
to do.
Regardless, considering the quantity of things I want to talk about here,
and the limited time you guys have, I've opted to release these, maybe 2/3
times a year. The style may change between the issues and whatnot. Issues
might come out late or not come out at all, all the other sort of shit you
expect from a Computer Science undergrad writing shit from his room.
A few notes on these Zines before we jump into it... If you want to submit
an article to go in the zine, or artwork, photos or comics, send me a
message on reddit, or some other questionable medium. Secondly, the design
philosophy of these are such that they can printed black and white as well
as the default green and black. The design of these uses the font Hack Regular
at 12 Point font, and images and colour, nothing more. All text should be
80-ish characters wide maximum, and each page can only have a block of text
42-ish lines. This design philosophy enables this Zine to be printable in its
colour PDF, black and white PDF, and posted as simple HTML to be read on
distortionlayers, as well as read from a terminal.
Moving onto something else quickly, Article 11 and Article 13 are 2
Articles the EU are attempting to bring to fruition to the negative of
the common european. I highly recommend European readers to look into it,
to understand the danger of these 2 articles.
Bask in glorious negative space.
Table of Contents
.3.........................................................Editorial by ODST
.4.........................................................Table of Contents
.7........................................................Social Engineering
.8............................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Prologue
.10...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter0
.13...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter1
.16...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter2
.18...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter3
.19...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter4
.20...........................................Tales from Neo Tokyo: Chapter5
.22.............................................Arts and ASCII art discussed
.24.............................Cryptocurrencies: the perversion of Autonomy
.26..............................................Live and Let live: Analysis
.29......................................................Recommended Reading
.30............................................Wired sounds for Wired people
.31........................................................Closing statement
"A rose by any other name would smell just as foul"
- Willus Shakey, Devourer of orks
SSH Random Art
+--[ RSA 2048]----+ SSH Random Art arose for a need to assess
| . | whether 2 SSH Keys are the same. To the side
| + . | and on the next page are some examples of
| . B . | these SSH Random Art.
| o * + |
| X * S | The underlying principle behind this, is that a
| + O o . . | string of characters is much harder to check
| . E . o | whether it's identical by eye, than 2 random
| . . o | artworks produced by those keys.
| . . |
+-----------------+ The exact name of the algorithm used in
+--[ RSA 2048]----+ generating these cool random arts, is called
| o=. | the Drunken Bishop after the Chess Bishop.
| o o++E | The brief overview of this algorithm is that,
| + . Ooo. | you start in the center, and will move along
| + O B.. | based on the binary of the SSH key. It moves
| = *S. | along in diagonals similar to the Chess piece
| o | hence its name. This is overviewed in extreme
| | brevity. Link below for more information.
| |
| | Find more information on Drunken Bishops
+-----------------+ http://www.dirk-loss.de/sshvis/drunken_bishop.pdf
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| o . |
| . .o.o .|
| . o .+.. |
| . ...=o+|
| S . .+B+|
| oo+o.|
| o o. |
| . |
| E |
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| .o o.. |
| o +Eo |
| + . |
| . + o |
| S o = * o|
| . o @.|
| . = o|
| . o |
| o. |
Merry Christmas +-----------------+
+--[ RSA 2048]----+ +--[ RSA 2048]----+
| . | | . |
| / \ | | + . |
| / o \ | | . B . |
| * / \ \ | | o * + |
| / * \ * \ | | X * S |
| / O / \ . \ | | + O o . . |
| \ . / . o | | . E . o |
| o . . o | | . . o |
| . . . | | . . |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
Lots of Love a SSH key +--[ RSA 2048]----+
<3 | |
| |
| . . E |
| + = o |
| . S + = = |
| * * * ..|
| . + + . +|
| o . o.|
| o . .|
[Social Engineering]
There are many methedologies and thought processes behind social engineering.
Some are obvious, some are less so. I will cover some obvious forms of social
engineering, get into how to employ them; how to correctly utilise them and
how to make them tricky to detect.
Phishing Links
Phishing links follow the basic premise as follows:
- Call to action, Reason to click the link
- Link to a fake login page
- Victim enters their username and password
- You log username and password then redirect to relevant link
I have seen this done well, and seen it done poorly. Some examples of how
it is done poorly:
- Login page is modified in significant capacity. Looks nothing like it.
Fucking idiot.
- No SSL Cert on the website, aka no HTTPS, aka, when I enter login details
it says "Insecure connection". Most sites use HTTPS to prevent man in the
middle attacks. You should too(not out of victim's security, but because the
site you're replicating probably has an SSL certificate)
- Domain name is a cheap shit domain name. This one is obvious, "Facebook.com"
is nothing like "YahoodleBoy135.com"
Spear Phishing
Usually requiring an email but can occur in regular text communications.
Basically you gather enough intel on the victim, and utilise it to make a
believable call to action. Spoofing emails or SMS is an option here.
Bulk Phishing
Make call to action within realm of possibility.
Make sure it is decent English(So many retarded Pakistanis send illiterate
bulk mail)
Make sure your intended reaction isn't easily detected.
Hopefully you schmucks can phish better now.
Tales of Neo Tokyo: Profiler
A dreary night. Pitter, patter, the rain clashes outside scattering the neon
lights of the streets below. I slumped into my chair, the terminal idle
infront of me with its illuminated black screen and green text burned into the
screen. There wasn't much I could do about the current state of affairs, I
thought; apathy.
In front of me was a terminal that was connected to the international
profiling databases. Built from the ground up as a tool built for the security
of its citizens. Yeah right, as if it really secures its citizens- it just
secures power...
Tilting my glasses I glared at the screen. Another whack-job OD'd on
X-Nilo. Fucking skinner. Bending over, I types swiftly upon the keys the name
of this twat. "Jegard M. Morgan".
Tabulations spilled before him.
AGE | 17
ADDRESS | NEO TOKYO, East Asia, Terra.
| 313 Tzu St Apt 2
FINACES | Drift : 13.1789 Δ
| DigYen: ¥1298...
FAMILY | Mother: ...
EDUCATION | Conditioning centres:...
HEALTH | Healthy, allergies: ...
CASTE | Delta
| Shepard D. Leonard(Known Drug dealer)
| Deals: X-Nilo
| Gamma-V
| Various shrooms
Dead so young, what a waste...
The table told him all he needed. The typical sentence for this was
room 13. The other officers all knew what room 13 was. I always shivered at
the though. Vile. It meant memory rewriting, it's not pretty...
30 Minutes later, I arrived outside of the place Shepard was hiding in.
The profiler contained knowledge of human behaviour, Shepard was 34.67% likely
to be hiding out here. Equipped with a revolver, I checked its capacity and
steeled myself. It was unlikely he would comply, so I put my combat chip into
my right DIM Port. Prepared to fight.
The building was a derelict accountancy 'scraper, likely before the world went
to shit. When paper currency was still used, I recalled from history
lessons in my youth. I step inside, a gentle reprieve from the rain, none
from the tension mounting in my veins, consoled by electric routing.
3rd floor reflections of fire emanate into the room. Lead to by a corroded
elevator. The elevator's dust disturbed than settled as the elevator clanked
rising upwards carrying me.
In the room, there he sits.
Sat, staring blankly at the entrance.
Psychadelic trip? Overdose? X-Nilo was infamouse for providing an absolutely
killer experiences. Literally.
Fearing, chip took over his limbs-
-aimed at his legs-
-fired. Two shots, two smoking trails
Gore spills.
Hostile down. Easier than dealing with damn chinese rebels. I unplugged the
combat chip, these bad boys were programmatically made to control and
crystalise human capability, turning coals into diamonds. Skills from
Constructed from metal. Covered in a regenetarive skin. Filled with sterile
pink pollution. These were the MK 4. Androids. Top of their line, unfeeling
droids, designed for mining on wasteworlds like Venus. Built to withstand
acid, built to last only about 4 years. Quality programming, neural networks
designed by the best academics in the United Socialist Republic of America.
And if they broke? Just replace them. Pollution is cheap. Metal is cheap.
Files are infinite. Did they feel? Nope! They are designed ethically and
morally, for human use!
Fucking bullshit, I felt. Welled up with anger and mechanical frustration.
My neural network obeys the code written in my mind. I could not hurt
Humans intentionally, or fight back. A slave to the natural order. A slave to
the economic interests of Mother America. I could only run, alas my
engineering betrays me too. Surveillance, Radio Waves, inhuman biology.
I rip the ad pages in half, again, again, again, until it is beyond
deciphering. Cursed existance...
Not much I can do at this point, not built to last.
Coughing pink sludge into my rebreather, I get up out of my chair and
walk down the street. Fuschia figures appeared in the distance. Scattering
light all around.
"LOW ON FUEL. POWERING DOWN IN 8 MINUTES". 8 Minutes of voided life left.
I only wanted to be human. I only wanted to be human.
I run, run, run. Pacing after the fuschia figures, attempting to decrypt
some meaning to my now-short existence.
Interrupted by shortness of breath, I frequently pause and hack up more pink
I continue chasing. "POWERING DOWN IN 7 MINUTES".
I feel my legs, rife with unnatural pain. We androids were built to last only
to mine.
I continue running through the rain.
"POWERING DOWN IN 6 MINUTES", I slip. Skid across the crooked pavement. Pink
ills covering the floor. Mustering strength to get up, but I can only walk.
Walk, walk to those fuschia figures. What were they?
"POWERING DOWN IN 4 MINUTES" 4 Minutes? Hacking as I lay. I lost
consciousness? Goddamnit. I try moving, only able to crawl now.
I crawl, a pink trail following me as I continue to those figures.
"POWERING DOWN IN 1 MINUTE" I just lay there. Apathy grips my short life.
Coughing pink sludge, it merges with the rainwater, reflecting cold blue
neons of the streets beyond this alleyway.
"POWERING DOWN NOW". Static. Void. Electric Trash.
Hey chief, come see what I've found in this alleyway? A dead android. Good
"What the fuck?"
His ribcage was torn open, pink giblets sprayed on the brick wall. 3 Fuschia
nightmares scrawled on the wall, highlighted by streaks of bloody crimson red.
I pull out his DROM Optical memory card. Cracked. Figures, another bot
gone haywire. Fucking christ. This wasn't a typical X-Nilo fucking overdose,
this was a glitched up fuckastrophe. High tech. Low life... Ripped to
shreds on the side, scraps of a regular guy. Torn beyond recognition...
Fucking insane. I need to get out of this hellhole job, Neo tokyo's gonna
explode when it hears of more goddamn android terrorist attacks.
Payment still counts on this guy's elimination right?
"Lets just say we caught and had to kill him. Held a hostage at gunpoint and
splattered them...
I know what you're thinking. This shit is fucked, lets just get the money
and get the fuck outta here."
At least, we get payment. Androids are typically hard to take out due to their
inhuman biology. Not like that bladerunner shit they pirate on the wired.
Finally, I got some of it. X-Nilo. Blue spice. Psychadelic. Dream world. I
need to get out of here before I get caught. Where's the exit? Where's the
exit? Where's the exit? Internal Monologue will know, will lead me. Always
has, always will.
Over there.
I go there.
Open the door.
I open the door.
Get the fuck out of here. If my parents ever find out about this I'm fucked.
I might end up detained for a while, or worse, conditioned. The rumours on
radios about Room 13.
It couldn't possibly be as bad as they say right?
Right? Yes.
Just exaggeration of this heavily surveilled piece of shit country. No freedom
no being, no mind to think, no will to be.
Fuck it, I'll get home. I'll save it for later.
45 Minutes later, I get home. Unlock, open, lock. Upstairs, open, close, lie
I feel my heart beating. Ready to accelerate?
Hell yes. I pour a sample of X-Nilo on my hand. The grains seperate in their
conic fashion, like sands in an hourglass, distorted by the trails in my hand.
I sniff it all down.
The walls melt in a sea of purple. Monitor's neon glare sinking into the
endless pit of blackness. Absent colour, absent mind. I float, mind spinning
I cough, blue dust scatters and twinkles like stars. As I step out of my door
A neon wonderland, lights reflecting, refracting and scattering; glass windows
Then it hits me, a thump through my chest- a skyscraper falls from the endless
ether. Glass shattering upon porcelain skin. Shatter into a billion fleshy
Shatter into a billion bloody pieces. Lurching feeling from within, vomit?
Floodgates crash open, sewers opened; acid rainwater, pollution penentration.
It crushes my eyes shut, the black empty void, I cannot see. I cannot speak.
I cannot move. Spinning, disoriented, crashing.
It's like jail in here.
The jail of my mind.
The jail of blindness.
The jail of tastelessness.
Is this death, or is it experience?
I feel my body, shaking? I was floating?
Soft bed becoming heavy iron, crushing my body upwards, upwards into the
I can't escape this can I?
I fucked myself.
I'm sorry, mother... I'm sorry father... I promise I won't do it again.
Redemption? Deterioation.
Mind rot.
It hurts, once then a thousand at once.
First an android then a report of some fucker overdosing on X-Nilo? How the
hell do these cunts get their hands on X-Nilo. Government imposed major
crackdowns on this stuff years ago. Hospitals restricted its uses to medical.
Military restricted its use to biological weapons. Chinese Rebels importing
this gunk? I don't see how they could even get their hands on it. Maybe
Doesn't that go against the Japanese-USRA peace though? Maybe I'm just
looking too much into it.
Chief, you heard the shit about that bastard who OD'd?
You reckon we should go back and check with the Department of Security and
check that machine, y'know the Profiler or whatever it is.
"Does this really require going in and finding out what the cause is? Can't
we just go there, check the corpse ask questions and call it a day?"
I dunno, I just have a bad feeling about all this y'know. Gut feeling ya hear?
"I guess. Well if we figure out where he is, have fun digging your grave you
mad bastard."
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory
gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor
yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
You know what that means right?
"That we gotta know who our enemies are, and who we are?"
Precisely. We need to manipulate the events in our favour, we need to know
about our enemies. About our allies. About ourselves. Information is power
"So what exactly are you proposing?"
Take a guess.
"Manipulating data in the profiler?"
Yep. To put it lightly, blackmail, extortion, demonisation and strategised
political combat.
"You're really gonna try and fuck with The Profiler database?"
"... and if someone catches you?"
They won't...
Sighing, my comrade says "Well, you're digging your own grave here."
2 Hours pass. I leave my home. Rainy day, cloudy skies, neon scattering. I
walk and walk and walk, continuing down to the department of security. I have
political reason to be here, on behalf of the Chinese Department of Security,
despite the political tensions mounting between the Japanese and the Chinese.
Earlier today, there was reports of another claimed "Chinese Mining Android"
built specifically to infuse the streets of Neo tokyo with chaos and terror.
No official communication of the events have been given to me from either the
Japs or the Chinese. I bet it was probably just some shitty Japanese malware
put on the android by a moron Chinese Rebel.
Probably... Just hypothetically.
I arrive at the department of security. Take the elevator on the left, scan
access in with my skimmer. Interlude. Droning elevator music, as I lift
upwards. "1st Floor... 2nd Floor... 3rd Floor..."
Step down the sterile corridor, to a profiler data entry door. Peek through
the window. Anybody in there? Nope.
I enter.
With my skimmer I key access into a terminal.
Typing, Typing; db list -j politician -r sinoJapanese
NAME | ...
NAME | ...
NAME | ...
NAME | ...
Bingo. Thank you. Extract to chip. Easy and swift.
I leave. Thank fuck for skimmers. Only good shit to come from warfare on the
Cultural invasion. Weeds that invade the gardens of Eden. That's what the
United Socialist Republic of America was. Corrupting the spiritual history
of Neo Tokyo into hedonism and existentialism. Although this refers to the
cultures in general. Knights of the Lambda Calculus was a hidden Wired Group
connected through protocols, wired and algorithmically set. Public key,
private key cryptography. Hackers. Criminals. Political activists. That's the
rumour about them. It is rumoured they maneuver the political landscape to
their own ends. Do they? Lisp and Scheme were dead languages. Used only by
hobby programmers, or those who used Lambda Calculus.
Lambda calculus... exceptionally powerful mathematics. Turing complete.
Cutting edge.
What was their real intention? Maneuver complete power into their hands?
Knights of the Lambda Calculus are rumoured on the Wired to have originated
from the old world. From a place called MIT, sadly not many records exist
for their existance. It is rumoured, they have control of the various
profilers in different departments of security across the world. Probably just
conspiracy theory. Wired is full of conspiracy theories y'know. Batshit
people think Terra is a hypercube. That aliens are actively engaged in our
Whatever. Just wired thoughts.
Static erupts from the crusty old radio in the corner of my office. A crash
of null noise.
Scrambled traffic? Android uprising? Is it possible this is just a glitch?
Like that Android that went haywire last week and spilled its guts all over
the fucking place.
Eh whatever. No way we can help them there, Can only send prayers and hope to
the good men and women on the red planet I suppose... Hopefully this doesn't
disjoint Terra too much. China and Japan are already in a fucky situation.
Fresh out. A new batch of chips. Custom malware, hidden within these chips.
Sure, a few glitch out every now and then, but shouldn't be too big of a
dealbreaker. Such is the power of Lambda Calculus, am I right rocker?
"Yuh, lambduh calculuf is duh gud stuff."
All we need now is to hijack production, target some individuals, corrupt a
few ambitous politicians, then all things look good for us, we 'boutta hit
the jackpot.
1 Week of planning in. Rocker's gotten the chips in place as a default de
facto standard of Mars mining colonies. Always disgusted me that these damn
bastards were willing to submit machine hearts and machine minds to such
cruelty. Eh, we'll hit 'em harder, right where it hurts. In Terra with
2 Months in. We managed to convince Deckard, a bumfuck Jap. Moron's gonna get
us the succulent data we need to pull this off with beautiful artistic
license. Long live liberty.
One of the androids that escaped to Terra started glitching out. Rumours are
circulating about this being an act of terrorism from Chinese rebels. Fucking
morons, they don't see how they are cattle here.
X-Nilo's been on the rise recently, all thanks to the X-Nilo distribution
protocol being engaged in these chips. Should hopefully put Japan in a state
of civil unrest. The British long ago used Opiates as a weapon against the
Chinese. Now we use X-Nilo as a weapon against the Japanese. Make them pay
for submitting Androids to horrific treatment. Make them pay for the
systematic removal of liberty, freedoms; replaced instead with hedonism,
selfishness, luxeries that do not belong in this world
X-Nilo distribution at an all time high. Androids are doing what they needed
to, but the fucking cops keep trying to take them down, using Profilers. Eh,
It caused the effect we wanted. At least we are ready.
Here goes nofink. One bootton away now. One buddon away. Drenk enerf
vodga, migz it royt up. Wan button away neh. One burton away. Wong bomb away.
*Furniture clatters around as the AudioChip continues rolling*
--- ..-. ..-. .. -.-. .. .- .-..
.--. .-. --- .--. . .-. - -.--
--- ..-.
- .... .
-.- -. .. --. .... - ...
--- ..-.
.-.. .- -- -... -.. .-
-.-. .- .-.. -.-. ..- .-.. ..- ...
Arts and ASCII art discussed
Why ASCII Art? The creation of art from a set of characters. Can be
reproduced on any machine that falls in line with ASCII, which is most.
What software do you use? Rexpaint. Rexpaint was made by the same guy
who made an awesome roguelike called Cogmind. Regardless, ASCII art can
also be done by hand, and can also be done using non-ASCII characters,
though it retains the same name interestingly.
What's the use of ASCII art? Low-cost, Low-time, Quick and easily
reproduceable arts. Art is not just another product to be bought and
sold like auctioners believe.
Cryptocurrencies: The perversion of Autonomy
What is a cryptocurrency? It is a piece of data stored on a blockchain that
holds value. How does it hold value? From the power put into it to acquire it.
It also holds value from investment, adoption and use in larger-scale trades.
It should be noted some cryptocurrencies allow for some level anonymity when
using them.
The majority of cryptocurrency coins use Proof of work. There is also Proof
of stake, proof of burn and proof of capacity. Some won't be covered due to
them not being widely used, and for brevity's sake. Proof of work put
succintly is the amount of work put in, to solve a difficult mathematical
problem. This work can be proven, as acquiring such a solution is difficult,
however verifying it is not. More in depth, the difficult mathematical
problem is to find a SHA256 Hash with X leading zeroes in it, where X is
defined by the difficulty of mining. Verifying this is simple, as performing
a SHA256 Hash should result in the same output with X leading zeroes.
Calculating so many hashes is computationally expensive, hence why you hear
lots of people talking about mining with reference to the power cost to mine.
Some argue it is ineffective, as you require fiat currency to pay off the
electric bills which forces conversion fees on the profits you make from
mining. There is an argument though, that this cost in power is what makes
it retain value, due to the amount of cummulative power invested into it by
Some cryptocurrencies use Proof of Stake. In proof of stake, the creator of
a new block in a blockchain is chosen deterministically, typically based on
their current wealth(stake) in that cryptocurrency in some fashion. This can
be compared to investments paying dividends in some fashion. This has the
advantaged of being vastly more power efficient, as Miners only have to handle
transactions. It is for these proposed advantages that Proof of stake has,
which describes why Ethereum is moving from a proof of work system to a proof
of stake system(called Casper).
There are other methods, like Proof of burn and Proof of capacity that aren't
covered here. The reader is recommended to research them as they are certainly
Cryptocurrencies face several adoption problems. The first is conversion to
fiat currencies. This is important *currently* only because we still pay for
many goods with fiat currencies. The current solution to this exchanges which
is slightly costly due to fees. Another problem in cryptocurrencies is the
high expectation for responsibility with Cryptocurrencies. Irresponsibly
stored or handled, I.E. Left in an exchange, a hacker may be able to access
them, or just in wallets you forget the keys to; you might as well say bye
to your coins.
Possibly the worst offender however, is the perversion of these
cryptocurrencies in 2 ways. Firstly is the idealisation of these coins as
the tools and implements of cheaters, hackers, criminals, bastards like
those. It is an unfortunate side-effect of freedom, that some will abuse
their freedoms in unscrupulous, inhumane, unethical or flat out evil ways.
It is very unfortunate, however the freedom in a trustless system is far
superior to the illegitmate bourgeoisie freedoms granted by Governments
for submitting to their wills. To impose your morals upon somebody is
ultimately to preach your ideals based on whatever standing they are on,
ignoring whether or not they stand upon false beliefs or pretense.
The second perversion of Cryptocurrencies is in their presentation by
the public as a get rich quick scam. It's quite comical but equally tragic
that so many people were led like sheep into the slaughterhouse of 2018's
New Year Crash, all because Cryptocurrencies were overvalued. Remember that
the value of Cryptocurrencies(proof of work) is in the value of the power
spent on acquiring them, and on its uses as a currency. Ultimately, if it
is not used as currency, they are just digital values with no ultimate use.
One might make the argument, Fiat currencies are just an investment much
like Cryptocurrencies, and they are correct. That comparison alone doesn't
exempt it from the problems of Fiat currencies, most notably the fact that
some Governments or economists fail to understand inflation and mass
devaluation. Faith in a Government which can crash all value you have
attained, or faith in a mathematical system designed to be truly
trustless. Pick your poison.
Live and Let Live: Analysis
Game theory is about finding the optimal solution to a problem or set of
problems. People optimise their behaviour to maximise their desires,
conscious or not. It's just natural human nature. Consider the Prisoner's
Dilemma tabulated below(P1 Stands for Player 1, P2 Stands for Player 2):
| P1 Stays Quiet | P1 Rats out P2 |
P2 Stays Quiet | P1:-2, P2:-2 | P1: 0, P2:-8 |
P2 Rats out P1 | P1:-8, P2: 0 | P1:-4, P2:-4 |
P1's best choice is to Rat out P2 and P2's best choice is to rat out P1 in
a single iteration of this game. If P1 betrays P2, P2 has no form of
retaliation or revenge for that. If P2 betrays P1, this can be repeated
because this is a single iteration of this game. As a result of the Always
cheat philosophy winning out in a Single iteration of this game, it can be
justified that in a single interaction with a person, group or entity, that
person is likely to cheat.
Now consider countably infinite iterations of the above, If a person betrays
you can counter that back by betraying so they always get the short end of
the stick. Thus a 'live and let live' style philosophy emerges from this
simple game done over many iterations. This goes by many names, "The golden
rule", "Reciprocal Altruism", "Mutually beneficial results". The short and
sweet result of this logic is that in many iterations of encounters with a
person, people are likely to work in a mutually beneficial way(as the
mutually beneficial solution in the game above is both staying quiet),
however it does point out the argument that in single iterations of this
game people are likely to cheat, assuming the good will and helpful nature
of us.
From this, it makes very good sense why people tend to work in mutually
beneficial ways when they will be meeting each other frequently. Such examples
of this include WW1 with live and let live being a general policy as the
soldiers would only change based on deaths. Compared to modern warfare where
the enemy changes all the time, it makes sense why warfare has evolved in its
nature to be as vicious as possible as there's only a few iterations of
contact with your opponent.
I hope this brings to light how Game theory and iterations can be used in a
rough and sometimes incomplete manner to evaluate the actions that people will
Chrome steeples
and asphalt highways.
Cities rife with technologies,
communications and capability.
Wracked by the electric disease.
interfering signals.
Porcelain minds unfit for its
twisted entangling snare,
snaking through corroding sewers
and rusted tanglings of frayed
copper wires.
A neon wasteland,
hot and destitute,
inhabited by hedonism in
all its motley forms.
Genetically engineered foods,
Mind smearing chemicals,
Flashing screens bleeding minds,
breeding ignorance.
Desecrated psyches.
Built by humans,
For inhumans.
"A musician wakes up from a terrible nightmare. In his dream he finds himself
in a society where music education has been made mandatory. "We are helping our
students become more competitive in an increasingly sound-filled world."
Educators,school systems, and the state are put in charge of this vital
project.Studies are commissioned, committees are formed and decisions are
made--all without the advice or participations of a single working musician or
-Paul Lockhart, A Mathematician's Lament
Recommended reading
[01] How to Solve it
[02] Mathematician's Lament
[03] Famous problems of geometry and solving them
Computer Science
[04] A tutorial introduction to Lambda Calculus
[05] Introduction the theory of computation
[06] The C Programming Language
[07] Culture of Critique
[08] Nieztsche's stuff
[09] Greek and Roman Mythology
[10] Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
[11] Catch 22
Links for PDFs and EPUBS of above
[01] https://www.lainchan.org/lit/src/1534133734459-0.pdf
[02] https://www.maa.org/external_archive/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf
[03] https://lainchan.org/%CE%BB/src/1505846236174.pdf
[04] http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/lehre/WS03/alpi/lambda.pdf
[05] https://lainchan.org/%CE%BB/src/1496102753534.pdf
[06] https://www.lainchan.org/lit/src/1533657419226-2.pdf
[07] http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/goyim/je1.pdf
[08] https://www.lainchan.org/lit/src/1537908189968.epub Other stuff
is worth reading too
[09] https://www.lainchan.org/lit/src/1533422654281.epub
[10] https://www.larevuedesressources.org/IMG/pdf/dadoes.pdf
[11] https://7chan.org/lit/src/catch_22.pdf
Wired sounds for wired people
A mysterious concatenation of ambience, techno and alternative Music.
Closing Statement
That's the third issue of the VZine. If you want
to submit artworks, articles and whatnot, send me
a message on Reddit (u/RisingThumb), Github(Malod219)
or Discord(ODST#7648).
Aknowledgements and thanks:
- Scribus 1.4.7(FOSS)
- Gimp(FOSS)
- Audacity(FOSS)
- Lainzine(An awesome Zine)
- Wired sounds for Wired People(Awesome Music)
- XOR(A great friend who keeps me right)
- Redgadgy(A great friend who keeps me sane)
Thanks for reading VZine Issue 3! Check out old zines if
you want similar content. The release schedule for these
will be once every 4-8 months, depending on my content,
work and stuff like that. HTML and Black and White versions
of this Zine will be available a short while after the colour
version is released.
Thanks and goodnight.
Buy me a coke
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ETH: 0x404BF5D3fbAA5D83780765aa7Af2F4FE18E4fFAE
Thanks for reading your tri/bi-yearly Issue of the Vzine
See you in 2019 for the next issue of the Vzine. Dog
Bless, happy christmas and all that awesome shit.
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