[27/03/2020] Coronavirus and plans for the next several months

This is my plans for the next several months due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Firstly, I still study at University, not physically there, but remotely. As such, I still need to study for examinations that will be done differently in May. As a result, my plan for April is to study, and to complete my remaining coursework. Ludum Dare 46 starts next month on the weekend of April 17th to April 20th. I will be attending that, and coding my game in the Godot game engine.

After May, I will have a substantial amount of "free" time cleared up on account of the Pandemic and awaiting the 3rd year of University Studies. My plan for the months between May and September is to do any pre-requisite activities in preparation for it, and to hopefully produce at least a single game each month. The intention with that is to practice the Godot Game engine, and also to potential make several minimum-viable games that I could possibly work on after that.

I would also like to up the quantity of books I read during this time. For the last few months it has been about 3 to 4 books per month that I read during commutes to University. I currently have "Letters from a Stoic" to complete, and I have to say it's a very good book. It's, more a collection of more personal and anecdotal essays, than it is a collection of letters.

Most importantly, I hope every user reading this stays safe amidst this outbreak. I know that is generic to say, but WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS YOU FILTH!

Take me home!
Bad for health, Good for education